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This grandmother broke the Guinness World Record by planking for 4.5 hours

For DonnaJean Wilde, doing a plank is something that she does in her day as much as anything else. She planks while reading, watching TV or just glancing through her mobile phone. The 59-year-old from Alberta, Canada has also recently broken the women’s Guinness World Record for the longest time in an abdominal plank position, a commendable feat! As per the Guinness World Records site, she planked for 4 hours 30 minutes and 11 seconds, a little over 10 minutes longer than the previous record set by another Canadian, Dana Glowacka, back in the year 2019. DonnaJean, who has been planking for 10 years, as per reports before she won her accolade for the challenging exercise, can set an example or two to everyone who’s been hoping to take up a form of fitness, but hasn’t begun that yet. The much-awaited plank record event took place at the high school where she was vice principal before before she retired. And as per the Guinness World Records website, she stated how her “elbows hurt pretty bad,” post completing her record-breaking plank.
There’s every reason to make the plank a part of your exercise regimen. A plank which strengthens the core and abdomen and improves posture. It is also not the easiest of exercises, with many folks being able to hold a plank for just a few minutes.
